2016 OMA Award Winners

2016 OMA Awards Program Winners Were Presented September 22

Award Categories
There are two award categories; one for individual/group awards and one for project awards. Project categories are grouped by project budget.

Individual/Group Category Awards – Service to the Profession and Certificate of Recognition

Project Category Awards
Projects nominated must have been completed or in use between January 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016.

  • Conservation or Preservation Project
  • Exhibit
  • Outreach or Education Program
  • Promotional Piece (brochure, invitation, press kit, poster, website, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
  • Publication (magazine, exhibition catalogue, newsletter, etc.)
  • Technology Media (blog, interactive game, video, etc.

Congratulations to the 2016 Oklahoma Museums Association Award Winners
OMA recognizes museums large and small strive to engage their communities and meet their missions through programs, publications and exhibits. The OMA Awards Program honors the excellence and quality of these projects. Additionally, the program recognizes individuals and groups whose contributions have impacted Oklahoma museums and the museum profession. OMA congratulates and takes great pride in honoring the quality projects and dedicated individuals that make Oklahoma museums shine!

Official Press Release

2016 Oklahoma Museums Association Award Winners

Award for Service to the Profession
Christine Knop Kallenberger

OMA President’s Award
Jan Davis

Certificate of Recognition
Susan Bowers, Leonardo’s Children’s Museum
Mike Sheriff, Oklahoma History Center
Jennifer Towry, Honey Springs Battlefield Historic Site

Conservation or Preservation
Budget Category $5,001 to $15,000
Western Center for the Conservation of Fine Arts & Oklahoma History Center, Conservation of Elizabeth Janes’ 1939 Trail of Tears Mural: An Interactive Public Program

Exhibits Budget Category $0 to $5,000
Comanche National Museum and Cultural Center, Nʉmʉnʉʉ Tsaakʉ Yʉkatʉ (Comanche Good Life)
Tulsa Historical Society & Museum, Designing Tulsa: Oil Capital Architects Exhibit (Honorable Mention)

Exhibits Budget Category $5,001 to $15,000
American Banjo Museum, The Banjo World of Steve Martin

Exhibits Budget Category $15,001 and over
University of Oklahoma Libraries, Galileo’s World Exhibition
Philbrook Museum of Art, Nir Evron: Projected Claims (Honorable Mention)

Outreach or Education
Outreach or Education Budget Category $0 to $5,000
University of Oklahoma Libraries, Galileo’s World
Logan County Historical Society, WPA Tours (Honorable Mention)

Outreach or Education Budget Category $15,001 and over
Philbrook Museum of Art, Off The Wall Teen Initiative
Gilcrease Museum, Gilcrease on Wheels (Honorable Mention)

Promotional Piece
Promotional Piece Budget Category $0 to $5,000
The Museum Broken Arrow, Website: The Museum Broken Arrow

Promotional Piece Budget Category $5,001 to $15,000
Leonardo’s Children’s Museum, Leonardo’s Grand Reopening

Publication Budget Category $0 to $5,000
Philbrook Museum of Art, Philbrook Magazine for Members

Publication Budget Category $15,001 and over
Philbrook Museum of Art, Collective Future: Gifts in Honor of Philbrook’s 75th Anniversary

Technology Media
Technology Media Budget Category $15,001 and over
University of Oklahoma Libraries, Galileo’s World
Tulsa Historical Society & Museum, Boomtown: An American Journey Documentary (Honorable Mention)