Teachers Resource Social

Teachers Resource Social  Planned for Tuesday, Aug 6 from 2pm – 6:30pm

Hey Oklahoma Museums! 
Network with colleagues and share your education resources with teachers from around the state.  The Teacher Resource Social, formerly known as Back to School Bash, is an annual resource
fair bringing museums and other organizations together to offer resources for teachers to learn from, experience, and plan with during the upcoming school year.  This year there is extra time to
network and share your education programs with colleagues. The event will be held at the First Americans Museum, Oklahoma City.  Free to participate but registration required, see links below.

Schedule for the day:
Set up booth and network with museum colleagues 2pm-3pm
Informal education program sharing with colleagues 3pm-4:30pm
Teacher Resource Social with teachers from around the state 4:30pm – 6:30pm

Museums (also known as vendors for this event) and like organizations who want to participate are asked to bring a door prize worth a minimum of $50 and register here
In addition, if your museum would like to update the educational information on the OKMuseums.org, please contact the OMA office at info@okmuseums.org with your updated information. 

Teacher Invitation:
Museums should invite their teacher contacts by sending them this invitation here to participate. They can register at https://forms.office.com/g/ZpEzZHMwMX 

For more information about the event contact Leticia Barrios at leticiab@famok.o